Thursday 10 April 2014

Bravo Microsoft! Another own goal!


Here is the message I have just had to send to most of my e-mail correspondents:

In its latest piece of spectacular idiocy, Microsoft is closing the e-mail accounts of countless people who use hotmail or outlook. The instructions they give for retaining one’s account are complex and intrusive, and don’t work anyway. Today is my last chance to send e-mails, so from now on anyone needing to get in touch with me should use the telephone: 0030 24240 66 202. If ringing from inside Greece, omit the 0030.

Sorry for the inconvenience; it is not of my making.

Simon Darragh.


Let us move on to more congenial matters. I was talking yesterday of my admiration for those of limited vocabulary who practice linguistic economy by swearing a lot. My contempt is reserved for people who use too many, or genuinely unnecessary, or bogus words and expressions. Here are a few such:

At this moment in time. (Why not just say ‘Now’?)

On a daily basis. (Why not just say ‘Daily’?)

Pro-active. (This hideous word seems to mean nothing at all; perhaps just ‘alert’.)

Facility. (American officialese for anything from the Guantanamo torture ‘facility’ to public lavatories.)

Warmer Temperatures. (A favourite of the BBC. Temperatures of course do not themselves have temperatures. You can say ‘Warmer’ or ‘Higher temperatures’.)

There are of course countless others, but just now I fear I must waste time that could be better spent practicing the piano in trying to get my e-mail back.

As the blog is administered by Google it will I hope continue; Microsoft should not be able to get their interfering hands on it.

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