Friday 2 May 2014


I have nothing special to write about today, so am reminded of an exchange of telegrams between Evelyn Waugh and the English newspaper that had sent him to Ethiopia to cover a war. At least in England telegrams no longer exist, so I should say that the sender paid by word, which led to the invention of lots of portmanteau words. The exchange went like this:

Why Unnews?

Unnews good news.

Unnews Unjob.

Upstick job asswise.

Oh, one bit of sort of news: the specialist jazz record label Blue Note, founded by two German emigrants to America, has survived the many efforts of ‘businessmen’ to destroy it and is now 75 years old. Its first records, back in 1939, were of the Boogie-Woogie pianists Meade Lux Lewis and Albert Ammons.  

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